Sunday 7 July 2013

Sunnat Regarding Food and Drinks and Forbidden Food in Islam

A reference to the Holy Prophet's food habits and to his abstemiousness has been made at pages 149, 170 and 171, which may be reference to. From the authentic books of Ahadis, the Holy Prophet's Sunnat in regard to eating and drinking is briefly as follows :- He used to wash his hands before commencing his meal; he invariably recite "Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim" before starting to eat; he used his right hand for eating; he did not recline on a pillow or bolster but used to sit at the table-cloth in a respectful posture; he used to eat from the side of the plate or bowl in front of him; he used ti take small morsels and used to chew each morsel slowly and carefully; he never found fault with the food placed before him; if he relished it, he partook of it; otherwise he refrained from eating but never complained about the quality of the food; he did not allow food to be wasted and took in his plate only so much as he needed and he cleaned his plate; he washed his hands after eating; he invariably gave thanks to Allah after meals; one of his supplications as recorded in Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja etc., is:- "Al-hamd-u-lillah-il-lazi at'amana wa saqana wa ja'alna min-al muslimin" (Praise to be Allah, Who has fed us and given us to drink and made us Muslim); he never ate any thing while standing, or walking in the streets; he never ate anything while standing and walking in the streets; he did not like a raw onion and raw garlic; he used to drink water, or milk, in three sips. while sitting and used to hold the bowl in his right hand l he advised his followers not to blow with their mouths into a bowl of milk etc ; he used to say ''Allhamdu-lilah'' after drinking milk or water; and he advised his following that, while dining together, they should have regard for others and not get up from the table-cloth while others were still eating.

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